CBP-70: The final episode

https://media.blubrry.com/collabbiz/www.petersimoons.com/cbp/CBP70.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadIt is the last day of 2015 and this is the final episode of the Collaborative Business Podcast. The week of Christmas I’ve spent […]

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Review and planning – it’s that time of the year

We are on the brink of moving into 2016. It is that time of the year where we tend to look back and evaluate how we did in during the […]

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5 efficient ways for conscious self development

On board of an airplane you are instructed to put on your own oxygen mask first, before helping others. It makes perfect sense: if you can’t breathe, you can’t help […]

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Your Guaranteed Leadership Growth

Jeff made it quite difficult for me in our coaching conversation. He was a difficult leader to coach, who wanted to bail out of his leadership development process. After all, […]

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What to do when you’re stuck?

Do you recognize those moments when you know you need to do something, but somehow you’re stuck? You can’t get it done, creativity is letting you down, you find all […]

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What my adventures as a 9 year old bring to alliances

When I was 9, my brother, my parents and I moved to a different part of the Netherlands. This was quite a happening for a 9 year old! We moved […]

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Are you struggling with your personal transformation?

One of the most intense forms of transformation known to us, is probably the transformation of a coy Caterpillar into a majestic Butterfly. However, transformation is not just in nature, […]

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Can technology replace alliance management?

What do you think, can technology replace alliance management? Some will have a definitive answer to that question, however, as with many things in alliances, the answer should probably start […]

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Why would you work with a coach?

When was the last time you talked to your coach? You might think something like “why on earth would I work with a coach?” In his article “Does everyone need […]

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3 + 1 ways to perform health checks

In response to this article, Michael, one of my readers, spoke from experience when he wrote to me that the quarterly health checks present such great opportunities. It allows him […]

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The benefit of a health check

Do you perform a regular health check on your alliances? Last week I wrote about mid year performance reviews and briefly touched upon the necessity to have regular evaluations for alliances as […]

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Your mid-year performance review

Did you notice that last Tuesday lasted longer than any other day? Probably you didn’t, as it was only one second that made June 30 last longer. This ‘leap second’ was introduced […]

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That's all!

That's all!