Would You Appreciate a 64% Alliance Satisfaction Score?

Over all the Alliance Health Checks I’ve performed for clients, the average satisfaction score relating to the partner relationship varies between 3.2 and 4.6 (out of a scale of 5). […]

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The Importance of Conducting an Alliance Health Check

When I engage in discussions about the significance of an Alliance Health Check, I often encounter unanimous agreement. Everyone acknowledges its importance and recognises the value it can bring to […]

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When are You Due for Your Next Health Check?

When I visited my general practitioner, I thought I was going in for my annual health check and my doctor mentioned that it had been a long while since I  […]

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Measure Alliance Performance

Tip 25: Measure Alliance Performance on Leading Indicators Once you’ve got your alliance or partnership formed and running, how then do you determine if your endeavor is headed towards success […]

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Measure and Evaluate Alliance Performance

Tip 24: Measure and Evaluate Alliance Performance An airplane is off its course most of the time. Wind, turbulence and air traffic are all factors why an airplane can’t fly […]

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Alliances: Dangerous Liaisons or Healthy Relationships?

In a 1993 HBR interview Peter F. Drucker mentioned alliances as “Dangerous liaisons […] which, by the way, very few people understand”. In the article it is clear that Drucker […]

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When is the right moment to perform a health check?

There is a lot to be read about virus testing lately. Some countries claim one needs to show symptoms first before testing, other countries go for massive preventive testing. When […]

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How do you measure alliances

In our second fireside chat Anoop Nathwani and I talk about how to measure alliances and alliance success. Also we go into the question why now, in the light of […]

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The benefits of performing alliance health checks

One of the reasons to work together in partnerships and alliances, is that it can be more efficient or cost effective than performing the task alone. Generally this principle is […]

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Keeping healthy alliances

Doing business with existing relations is in general easier than winning new ones. This is equally applicable to a strategic customer – supplier relationships as it is for strategic alliance […]

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3 + 1 ways to perform health checks

In response to this article, Michael, one of my readers, spoke from experience when he wrote to me that the quarterly health checks present such great opportunities. It allows him […]

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The benefit of a health check

Do you perform a regular health check on your alliances? Last week I wrote about mid year performance reviews and briefly touched upon the necessity to have regular evaluations for alliances as […]

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That's all!

That's all!