Building Internal Collaboration as a Foundation for External Success

“The success of your external collaboration is directly tied to your ability to collaborate internally.” You’ve likely heard this before, but it’s worth repeating; if you struggle to collaborate effectively […]

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The Power of Relationships: Why Genuine Connections Matter

In April 1988, I found myself in the middle of a job interview for a role that involved selling high-end solutions. The conversation with the sales manager took an unexpected […]

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Three Proven Strategies to Enhance Your Alliance Skills

In the current dynamic business landscape, the demands on your alliance skills are more significant than ever. Remember the sudden change the world endured just a few years ago due […]

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From Cave Walls to Boardrooms: The Evolution of Collaboration

Imagine living back in the Stone Age, when survival depended on our ability to combat the harsh elements and threats of the natural world. Would you have been able to […]

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Would You Appreciate a 64% Alliance Satisfaction Score?

Over all the Alliance Health Checks I’ve performed for clients, the average satisfaction score relating to the partner relationship varies between 3.2 and 4.6 (out of a scale of 5). […]

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The Effect of Non-governance Calls During a Partner Discussion

Recently I received a question about how to deal with so-called non-governance calls during a partner discussion. In the example provided, there was an issue in an alliance in which […]

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Remember to Look Back: The Importance of Reflection

When you step off the train in St Jean-Pied-de-Port, the imposing sight of the Pyrenees mountain peaks envelopes you. Starting your Camino to Santiago de Compostela from this point means […]

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The Crucial Interpersonal Skills for Alliance Managers

In today’s interconnected business environment, forming strategic alliances is pivotal for leveraging synergies and driving growth. However, the success of these partnerships hinges not just on strategic alignment and shared […]

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Your Leadership and Collaboration: Take Ownership!

We live in a constantly changing business world. A world characterised by an increasing variety of collaborations, both inside organisations as well as between organisations. Collaborations can be a commitment […]

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A 60% Higher Alliances & Partnerships Success Rate.

Alliances are increasing in importance, used as a strategic tool to help organisations grow. Over 25 years ago Yves Doz and Gary Hamel wrote “No company can go it alone” […]

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What Makes a Good Alliance Manager?

This was a question I was asked in a recent conversation. The answer to that question, to a certain extent, depends on the type of organisation you are in and […]

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Alliance Partner Selection, How Easy Can It Be?

Let’s talk about Alliance partner selection! How easy can it be? Some people try to make it really simple. They follow the “executive” approach: one executive meets another and they […]

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