Are you ready to make money in the collaborative business world?

collaborative business worldLast week the Dutch business paper FD featured a special about the fact that the acquisition market is growing again. In January of this year PWC published a CEO study in which 51% of the CEO’s said they plan to enter into new strategic alliances in the next 12 months.

CEO’s are regaining faith in the economy and are now looking for means to make more money through inorganic growth for their company more than before. They are getting ready for the collaborative business world.

How about you, are you ready to make money in the collaborative business world?

Success does not come by itself, but it can be made easy. Research by the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) indicates that on average only 53% of established alliances succeed. Diving a bit deeper into this research shows that up to 80% of the alliances that are created in an unstructured ad hoc fashion will fail, while up to 80% of the alliances that follow a methodology succeed.

The companies that will have it easier to succeed in alliances are the companies that have the three cornerstones in place that I wrote about recently: methodology, people and experience.

You don’t just enter an alliance because of the likability of the partner you recently met at a networking meeting; before entering into an alliance it is essential to be aware of what you are missing to accomplish your goal. If you need something to reach your goals that your company does not have, an alliance can be the easiest way forward with great benefits. 

Most companies understand that acquiring other companies requires specialized help from advisors to increase the success rate and thus to make more money with an increased return on acquisition investment. The same is true for alliances and partnerships, specialized experience from advisors will help you to make more money and will make the alliance process easier and will help to increase the success rate and thus increase the return on alliance investment.

When 51% of the CEO’s are looking to enter into new strategic alliances in the next 12 months and they are looking to maken money with those alliances with a high chance of success, then they’d better make sure they are ready.

How about you, are you ready to make money in the collaborative business world; are you ready to create successful partnerships & strategic alliances?

I’m here to help! As a business coach and alliance specialist I help my clients to create beneficial healthy alliances with easy and proven methodologies. Read more or contact me for a free call now to explore how alliances can be the solution to your increased results!