Marshall Goldsmith and Alan Weiss talk in a short video about why everyone needs help. They use three engaging examples that we can all relate to. Marshall uses a clear example of how he, as the number 1 executive coach, pays someone to call him everyday to ask him questions. You would probably think that someone like Marshall can do that by himself. Still he hires external help to keep him on track.

In my coaching engagements I use Marshall’s Stakeholder Centered approach. This means that, amongst others, I perform interviews with the stakeholders about the coachee and their work. This can for instance be about their desire to improve in certain areas. It can also be about the overall state and effectiveness of a program, like an alliance center of excellence, they are responsible for. More than once during those interviews, the stakeholders asked me if something was wrong with the coachee, because of the fact that they were working with a coach.

This is still the image that actively working on your self improvement has within some organizations! In answer to their question, I most often explain that the coachee has the desire to work on their personal effectiveness and wants to get better in their job. They do so by working with a coach or a mentor as a sparring partner. In most cases the stakeholders response then changes to one of respect. Respect for the fact that someone actually has the guts to be asking for help.

The biggest hurdle is to recognize when you need help and to admit to yourself and within your organization that you need help.

We all need help! (You too)

Some questions as food for thought this week:

  1. What is holding you personally back from achieving the results you aspire?
  2. Where is the area for innovation in your alliances that will increase results?
  3. How well are you aligned with your board or steering committee?
  4. What can you do to improve the collaboration and moral of your teams?
  5. Who can you turn to for help and to be your sparring partner?
  6. When do you reach out for help?

Let me know what the questions inspire you to do! Mail me or use the contact page to get in touch with me.