Last week I read an article by Marshall Goldsmith that describes how the beliefs executives have about themselves, helped them to get where they are now. However, at the same time these beliefs are holding them back from moving forward. These are the same principles as Marshall describes in his book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” *

Obviously I read this article through a lens with a focus on alliances. Hence I read mostly a “me versus them” attitude in these beliefs. An attitude with a little arrogance, that is focused on personal well being rather than joint well being. In alliances, and any other type of collaboration, this is not productive. 

Unfortunately it happens more often than not. People tend to think “we know it all” and thus think more about “what’s in it for me” rather than “what’s in it for us”. To a certain extent you can force partners to have a look at a balanced partnership when creating one. Tools like the Needs & Contribution matrix can help to balance the needs and contributions of the parties involved. However, it is also about Culture. 

Collaboration is easier when there is a collaborative culture in an organization. A culture where people focus on the “we” versus “I” and understand what win/win/win entails. A culture that helps focus on the “We versus Me”. Also a culture that steers away from arrogance and the arrogance of “we know it all”. 

A collaborative culture is open to new ideas that are moving you forward and not holding you back.

What’s holding you(r alliances) back?


PS: Culture is one of the “soft elements” we will discuss in the Alliance Masterclass. There are only 5 seats left available for the Singapore Masterclass. Claim yours now!