Last week I listened to an interview with Ron Wallace about his book “Leadership lessons from a UPS driver”, with the subtitle “delivering a culture of we, not me.

Like his subtitle already says, the essence of Ron’s success is the focus on working together as a team rather than as individuals. Ron, retired by now, has written his book about his past experience. It makes clear that collaboration, internal and external, is essential for a successful future. Now maybe even more than during Ron’s career. I haven’t read his book myself yet, but after hearing the interview, it is high on my reading list!

Collaboration is essential. Not only to a team’s success but certainly also for the success of any company and any partnership with other companies. The future is not about I, or You; it is about We.

On November 16 the next Alliance Masterclass will start. This Masterclass will be held online, so there is no need for you as a participant to travel: you can participate live from the convenience of your computer. In case you can’t make one of the training sessions or if want to review the material again, there will be replays available. Read all about the Masterclass here.

New in the content of the Masterclass is a focus on internal collaboration: I vs. You and We. If your organization is unable to collaborate internally, it will be hard to be successful with external alliances and partnerships.

To ensure that you get the most out of the class, the masterclass now includes three months of group coaching. These coaching sessions will focus on the practical experiences by implementing the learnings in your environment and helping you to overcome possible hurdles you might face. We will discuss your challenges and brainstorm on ways to accelerate forward.

Read more about the Masterclass and how to register here.
